H2 Südtirol Alto Adige
H2 Südtirol Alto Adige
H2 Südtirol Alto Adige


NewBusFuel (New Bus ReFueling for European Hydrogen) is a European research project with the aim of planning refuelling infrastructures for entire bus fleets. So far, systems for hydrogen production and refuelling have been built and operated for bus fleets of up to 10 fuel cell buses. This project aims to plan large systems for hundreds of buses and to define the requirements for the location, design, operation, and safety of large systems. Therefore, this project provides building blocks for the commercialization and rollout of the technology.


In 12 studies (Aberdeen, Birmingham, Bozen, London, De Lijn, Wuppertal, Madrid, Oslo, Riga, Hamburg, Potsdam, Stuttgart) different technical solutions for the hydrogen supply of bus depots were developed (compressed or liquid hydrogen, delivery or production on site via electrolysis or steam reforming).

The aim of the project was to give operators of bus fleets a manual for supplying buses with hydrogen, which, in addition to the technical parameters, also takes in consideration its economic implementation.

Final press release

Das Projekt wurde von der EU über das Programm des FCH JU (Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaken) gefördert.

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