For quite some time now, South Tyrol has been a popular test area for all kind of vehicles with all kinds of propulsions. Over the last period an interesting trend, however, can be noted: in fact, an increasing number of OEMs are testing their emission-free heavy-duty-vehicles (HDV) – especially the hydrogen powered ones – along the Brenner corridor. This route is one of the most travelled corridors in Europe as well as one of the most challenging due to its elevation profile: nearly 4.5 million HDV are crossing the Alps via the Brenner pass every year. Therefore, testing on this axis is a clear sign that decarbonising (heavy duty) transport is underway. Fixed starting point of all these activities is the Hydrogen Centre in Bozen/Bolzano South which has achieved – thanks to its impressive technical knowhow and its yearlong experience – a good reputation in Europe and beyond.
During this last set of tests, the Daimler development team subjected the GenH2 Truck to a series of challenging and intense tests, from the Brenner Pass to the motorway to the Penser Joch (Passo di Pennes) declaring themselves enthusiasts of the given situation in South Tyrol where different driving profiles are combined with the support offered by a very experienced team.
Claudio Vitalini, CEO of the Hydrogen Centre Bozen/Bolzano, underlines: “Providing support to new vehicles during their (first) steps towards the market is one of the main reasons why this Centre was opened. Especially the current, very positive development in regard to emission-free heavy-duty vehicles are very important for South Tyrol but also for the Brenner motorway due to its high level of traffic; therefore, supporting this trend which will (hopefully) lead to a speedy market launch is in our interest.”